Yoga Thilagam Yogacharini
Dr. Sangeeta
Laura Biagi
Gitananda Nada Yoga, ICYER, India
Artist & Voice Coach

Gitananda Nada Yoga Courses
Group classes and trainings to study and practice Nada Yoga, the Yoga of Vibrations following the Tantra, Yantra and Mantra Yoga tradition of Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri. Courses include philosophical and practical teachings.

The Universe is pure vibration, and rarely do you find a human being who can manifest it though them in a seamless, pure manner.
My dear Yogacharini Sangeeta is one of the few rare beings who has connected to the “Source” in a truly beautiful manner.
Her life is her teaching and she enables those who come in contact with her to experience the pure universal vibration in its highest essence.
When we become one with the universal vibration, health, happiness and prosperity will always manifest in abundance.
I bless Sangeeta on her efforts to share and enable others to be the best version of themselves.
Hari Om Tat Sat Om

We have collaborated with Sangeeta for several years. She has been a featured presenter in our 200-hour yoga teacher training in one of her areas of expertise of Nada Yoga. She has also been on faculty at our annual retreat and a collaborator on several workshops, including yoga and astrology. Sangeeta possesses expert knowledge in the yoga of sound, but that is not her greatest attribute. She excels in taking complex, ancient and foreign concepts and bringing them to new audiences in a relatable way, while maintaining the integrity of the practices and teachings. She has a lively spirit that encourages inquiry, authenticity, and collaboration. Students often remark that they thought they were attending a workshop to learn about a particular subject, but the most important thing they took from the class was learning about themselves. In facilitating self-study, Sangeeta brings the tenets of yoga philosophy to life.

Working with coach Sangeeta Laura Biagi has been nothing short of transformational. Finding a well-trained versatile coach who not only listens, but is agile in their programming and delivery is not an easy feat. Laura’s compassionate approach, intuitive understanding, and guidance lead me to make real substantive change without feeling pressure or like there was unattainable homework added to my already busy life. I look forward to more coaching sessions in the future.
Greetings, I am Sangeeta Laura Biagi
Here is why I can guide you on this journey…
Over thirty years ago, I began my interdisciplinary research on the healing power of the voice, which led me to travel to various parts of the world, earn a Ph.D. in Performance Studies (New York University), and to travel to India where, over ten years ago, I began the study of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga with the blessings of Pujya Puduvai Shakti Kalaimamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani, Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani and Yogacharini Devasena Bhavanani.
In 2021, I began teaching online course with my Guru Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani focusing on the Yoga of Sound and Vibrations, Nada Yoga. The courses cultivated in a 2-week residential program at Ananda Ashram, ICYER, Pondicherry which included studies and practice of Asana, Pranayama, Dharana; Shat Chakra Sadhana; Bija Mantra Sadhana; Pranava AUM Sadhana; and devotional chanting of Bhajans. In 2023, Dr. Ananda blessed me with the honorary title of Yoga Thilagam for sharing the teachings of this Parampara (tradition) over the last two decades.

My Work With Voice Healing for Personal & Social Transformation
Let’s Work Together!
You will be guided, step by step, in the study and practice of your voice to remove blocks and learn to articulate and express your personal and professional goals.
Through a professionally guided experience, you will learn to explore yourself with confidence and ease, and experience physical, emotional and mental renewal.
The Method Soul Sound Spiral allows you to heal yourself while healing your relationship with others.
Saraswati’s Pearls
Interdisciplinary Dialogues on the Yoga of Sound

This book presents a series of dialogues I was blessed to share with my Yoga Guru, Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, on the practice of Nāda Yoga, the Yoga of Vibrations.
A simple and accessible tool to help you understand how fundamental the role of breathing, listening and voice education is in maintaining your health and in building and maintaining a respectful society.
Download the first chapter for free
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Nada Yoga
The Vibratory Essence of the Yoga of Sound.
Dr. Sangeeta Laura Biagi, Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani
Singing Dragon, 2023
Other Publications
Nada Yoga
This album was recorded in January 2024 in Milan. It contains the prayers and invocations that I learnt in the Nada Yoga lineage of Yogamaharishi Dr Svami Gitananda Giri. While maintaining the content as close as possible to the original, I also added my own “flavor”. The album was recorded thanks to the generous support of Antonio Ballauri and GMDP Design for Life.