Come as you are…
On Sunday, March 28, 2021, we are celebrating a Full Moon in Libra (2:48pm EST) at 8º18’ — the Sun and Moon are both in cardinal signs, and the lunation is occurring in the first decan (the cardinal decan) of each sign. It is a new beginning. The Moon in Libra calls us to balance the inner and outer, while the Sun asks us to use rightfully our will and our power; Venus and Chiron conjunct the Sun blend pleasure and healing with this lunation. We can explore in this time the way we construct and perceive reality through a matrix of pleasure and leverage that awareness for the purpose of personal and collective healing. This full moon therefore is energized with passion and valor, fierce beauty and authenticity and the healing of one’s personality. Pleasure activism comes to mind as a personal and social mode of engagement at this time.
Healing through self-expression: Aries is all about the development of a healthy ego. It’s the number 1 sign in the zodiac and corresponds to the desire to be. It is a good month to reassess who we are when we show up in the world, what type of personality we cultivate, and how that person we want to be is of service to others. Personalitāte(m) is a Latin word that comes from the Old Greek πρόσωπον and Etruscan phersu. Personae was the mask of the Roman actor and so it refers to the aspect of a person or how they appear to the world. How do you pre-form and perform your personality when you are alone (first house value of Aries) and when you are with other people (seventh house value of Libra)? This is a good time to rethink who you say you are and how you show up. Start from how you feel inside. Are you aligned with your inner sense of well being? What can be improved or changed? Then, move to the external appearance. Are you aligned with your “looks”? Healthy Tip: curate, i.e care for your choices by becoming aware of how even a small change of attitude can make an enormous change in the effect you have on yourself and others.
The opposition of the Sun and Moon in this configuration could bring up a feeling like enough is finally enough. Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius underscores the need to transition and re-structure our lives in new ways. Trine Mars and the North Node of the Moon in Gemini, Saturn is presenting us with the need to take a step back, and redesign: new ways of thinking, new language to express a new reality, new modes of communicating along with new means of communication, new forms of collaboration and connection. Mars conjunct the North Node of the Moon is really highlighting what is no longer working and gives it the fire of irritation, augmenting that feeling of “enough is enough,” already unearthed by the Full Moon. Mercury in Pisces is receiving a Square from Mars — in Mercury’s own home sign of Gemini — where it is unable to fully focus, and focus deeply. Mercury wants to make art and align to something greater, to float and feel the highs. Mars comes in as the disciplinarian, putting Mercury to the task of determining how to unfold these new forms of communication, the transformative project looming from the taskmaster, Saturn, and the Saturnian square with Uranus. The amalgamation of energies in this transit may feel frustrating because Mercury wants to be free and connect through sensual pleasures, not take part in rational dialogues and stay focused and alert.
This lunation calls for balance.
The key is to slow down. Making time to find joy in beauty — and beauty in joy — will give you the energy needed to align with this moment and begin this journey of restructuring, rethinking, reimagining. You’ll know it’s right because it will be joy, and it will be beautiful. Joy comes from the Latin gaudere (from Indo European root gau), which means sensual delight, a capacity to truly rejoice. Joy requires a relaxed attitude to fully bloom.
Great songs for this lunation: Prince‘s Kiss, and Beyoncé’s Find Your Way Back.
[These are some of the teachings that were shared during my online MOON CIRCLE workshop on March 28, 2021; transcribed and edited with love by Lou Moffa. Thank you, Lou! For more info about upcoming MOON CIRCLES, click here]
Tarot card for this lunation: The Lovers

Listen to the live Soul Sound contemplation created for this Full Moon: