The phenomenon of the “new moon” occurs when, from the point of view of the earth, we see the moon and the sun next to each other. In these monthly occurrences, since the sun emits great light, we can’t see the moon and hence we call it “new”. Which sign the moon and sun are in depends on the constellation that is their background. On January 13, 2021 we will have a new moon in Capricorn, that is, in the constellation of this sign. Capricorn is an earthy, cardinal, powerful sign. Its symbol is a goat with a fish tail that symbolizes the ability to climb the highest mountains and dive into the deepest oceans. Being an earth sign, Capricorn loves materiality understood as form, that is, the ability to give shape and structure to mental concepts. Its ruler, that is the planet that governs it, is Saturn, the principle / god of structure. Saturn rules the bones in the body, architecture in the arts and sciences, and tradition in socio-cultural systems.
How can we align with this new moon in Capricorn? This is the first new moon of the year and, in this sense, it will set a tone for the whole year. A new moon stimulates the energies of new beginnings, so the question is: what do we want to shape this year, especially thanks to the personal and social teachings received in 2020? How do we want to place ourselves in our community and society? How can we integrate and harmonize our individual nature with the social role we decide to play? Here lies the freedom of this sign which, through the exploration of imitation, discovers the infinite joy of manifestation. So, in the coming days and throughout the year, let’s remember to take a few moments to align with ourselves and understand the true meaning of integrity.
Illustration by Sangeeta Laura Biagi